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Category Archives: grids

Looks like there was already more testing to the puzzle engine from the last post. This snippet tests not only the two tiles’ centers but also their edges midpoints. In combination with the last source this should give a more decent puzzle as the more or less random necessary position of two adjacent tiles is not enough to combine them. Continue reading

I found what looks like a basic flash puzzle engine in one of the orphaned folders. Basic in terms of no image, just numbers. When a tile is selected adjacent tiles are flashing (which should not be a function in the game just for the development).
Well, here’s to play with and the source of what merely is a part of something useful. Maybe you can put it to something nice. Continue reading
Posted in game development, grids, Snippet
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Alright, while I already wrote about putting the concepts of this series to a use, here are two examples:
- The implementation of a minimap and
- The concept of a bouncing map
Posted in as3, flash, grids, mochiads, Terrain Modification
Tagged comet, flash populous, minimap

The following dialogue came up in the comments of Part 1 of this tutorial.
JJ: Could you show me a way to fill each tile of the map with a bitmap or some other graphic type? Is a solution possible based on using beginBitmapFill() ?
Me: What exactly do you want to achieve? Do you want to use graphics (imported or drawn in flash) for tiles? Or do you really want to fill the tile like texturing it?
JJ: I meant filling the tiles like texturing it.
What do you think?
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Posted in as3, flash, grids, Intermediate, mochiads, Terrain Modification
Tagged bitmap texture, isometric landscape

Alright, giving the landscape some natural feeling by applying colors to the tiles. This simply fits into the dynamic drawing of tiles by using a fill. The shading here will be done with static colors instead of shadow calculation.
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Posted in as3, flash, game development, grids, mochiads, Terrain Modification, Tutorial
Tagged grid, isometric landscape, isometric map, populous, shading, sim city

This part deals with the implementation of the moving nodes method (Part 2) from one dimension to the pseudo 3D landscape and begins with the movie itself for you to test what it does.
Just hover through the landscape and lift single nodes with a mouse click. Neither am I gone further by implementing lowering nodes nor did I hide the mouse cursor and the green pointer. The first one would have (additionally) increased the number of code lines in this post without adding relevant information. Hiding the cursor would have brought the movie closer to a final state but at the moment it is the method that counts.
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Posted in as3, flash, game development, grids, mochiads, Terrain Modification, Tutorial
Tagged populous flash engine
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In this part of the terrain modification tutorial I will show you how to move single nodes and their neighbors if necessary. To begin at a smaller scale I will not use a multi-row grid but a line of nodes instead.
Every node in a line will have two neighbors (except for the outer ones of course).
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This appendix is part of the terrain modification tutorial series and holds information about the dynamic creation and drawing of tiles.
The different tile styles presented are some sort of tribute to great old games like Populous and SimCity and their differences in tile design.
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Posted in as3, flash, grids, mochiads, Terrain Modification, Tutorial
Tagged dynamic tile drawing, isometric map, isometric tiles, populous, simcity
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Target of this tutorial is the development of a scrolling isometric tile map where the terrain can be manipulated. Inspiration for a test like this were Populous and SimCity with their respective methods of terrain manipulation. While Populous lets the player change the height of a single node (forming a pyramid), SimCity always pushes the whole tile. The challenge here is that node’s heights can only be altered in dependency of their adjacent nodes.
This part deals with the creation of a tile map displaying the isometric map with terrain.
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Posted in as3, flash, grids, mochiads, Terrain Modification, Tutorial
Tagged dynamic tile drawing, populous, simcity, terrain manipulation, terrain modification