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Monthly Archives: August 2009
The stats by end of August (as of August 29th):
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Posted in game development, mochiads, monetization, xperiment
Tagged flash games, monetization experience
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Der zweite Teil von LucasArts’ and TellTale Games’ Serie über unseren Lieblingspiraten Guybrush Threepwood ist draußen. Und hier ist die zweite Speed-Run-Komplettlösung. Den ersten Teil gibts hier. Die Ziffern in den Klammern stehen für die Dialogoptionen.
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Posted in Komplettlösung (d)
Tagged Chapter 2, deutsch, Komplettlösung, Monkey Island, Siege, Spinner Cay, spoon isle karte, Tales, text
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Next part of LucasArts’ and TellTale Games’ series about our favorite mighty pirate Guybrush Threepwood. And here is the next speed run walkthrough. Find the first part here. The numbers in brackets denote the dialogue options.
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Posted in Walkthrough
Tagged Chapter 2, siege of spinner cay, spoon isle map, tales of monkey island, text, Walkthrough
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Well, seeing the actual accounts where revenue share drops in and then looking up the conversion rate is quite awful. Again you get 1 Euro per 1.4 Dollars.
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Posted in game development, monetization
Tagged conversion rate, fees, Germany, mochiads, Paypal, transaction
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So, to test the often stated advantage of text ads versus image ads I did set up two skyscrapers (160×600) and use the following code to randomly (should be 50/50 in the long run) show them.
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I know, again a post about API integration. But this time I am pretty sure it runs, because it’s tested twice. And Kongregate as well as Newgrounds ‘answered’ the API call though the game was wrapped by Mochi’s Live Update.
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Posted in mochiads, monetization
Tagged API, encryption, integration, kongregate, live update, mindjolt, mochiads, newgrounds, wrapper
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Made from the tutorial, this is my newest game. I included several ideas that people on Kongregate and Newgrounds suggested such as the obstacles.
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Posted in game development, Games, mochiads
Tagged chain reaction, flash game, Flu!, kegogrog, schweinegrippe, swine flu, vaccination
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Just a qestion that made me think a bit. I know that some of them must be professional game designers or at least some sort of programmers. Others are students. How about you?
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Posted in blog, game development
Tagged Flash
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This game was inspired by Emanuele Feronato’s Circle Chain game and as he posted the AS2 code I took it and converted is to a basic AS3 chain reaction game.This tutorial also covers the mochi encryption issues and the possibility to load different APIs despite those.
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Posted in game development, mochiads
Tagged API integration, chain reaction game, Flash, kongregate, mochiads, Tutorial, version encryption issue