Tag Archives: map

Terrain Modification Tutorial Thumbnail

In this part of the terrain modification tutorial I will show you how to move single nodes and their neighbors if necessary. To begin at a smaller scale I will not use a multi-row grid but a line of nodes instead.
Every node in a line will have two neighbors (except for the outer ones of course).
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Posted in as3, flash, grids, mochiads, Terrain Modification, Tutorial | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Terrain Modification in Grid Based Games – Part 2: Moving Nodes

I played a bit with the settlers-like map of that post to give it a more like terrain look. Therefore the triangle faces are colored now depending on their orientation.
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Posted in as3, flash, game development, Grid Based Games, grids, mochiads | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Grid based games – Part X.1: Hexmaps and terrain

This is kind of an experiment with a hexagonal map. I just had a look at “The Settlers”. Great game. Alright, the hexmap (map made of hexagonal tiles) can be described by nodes arranged in a triangular fashion.
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Posted in as3, flash, game development, Grid Based Games, grids, mochiads | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment