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Monthly Archives: July 2009
On default, clicking the close button on the mochi leaderboard calls play(), which can in case of a timeline controlled movie lead to some problems. That’s why I added an argument to the showLeaderboard function. The following class belongs to my highscore screen that is called when the game ends or is ended.
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Posted in game development, mochiads
Tagged custom function, leaderboard, MochiScores, onClose, Tutorial
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The stats by end of July (as of July 29th):
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Posted in game development, mochiads, monetization, xperiment
Tagged flash games, kongregate api, monetization experience
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I learned yesterday that I should not expect obviousness.
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I am using a DocumentClass and no timeline code in a one-frame game.
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Posted in game development, mochiads, monetization
Tagged doesn't work, encryption, eventlistener, mochiads, version control, wrapper
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Basically it’s the first game, but this time it has a goal. Still on the experiment road. I am a bit excited. I wonder what the best weekday is to push it into the world. I think I’ll go through the mochibot stats to find something.
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Posted in game development, Games, mochiads
Tagged Flash, game, kegogrog, piece o eight II, piece o'eight II, pirate
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I think of Google Analytics as a very powerful tool to see what content of the site is appreciated by users, how the site is found etc.
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Was folgt ist die Speed-Run-Version als Komplettlösung für Kapitel 1 der Tales of Monkey Island (LucasArts & Telltale Games). Damit kommt man zwar durch das Spiel, verpasst allerdings auch eine ganze Menge Spaß. Die Ziffern in Klammern bezeichnen die Auswahlmöglichkeiten in Dialogen obwohl diese wenig Einfluss auf das Spiel haben.
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Posted in Komplettlösung (d)
Tagged deutsch, Komplettlösung, Launch, lösung, Monkey Island, Screaming Narwhal, Tales
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As I came upon a list of hoaxes there was one that stated February 20th as the last ‘triple symmetry date’, which was proven false because of December 21st 2112, 9:12pm (21:12 in 12h).
So, the more mystical approach was missing:
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